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SPIRIT 105.3 Responds to Oklahoma Tornado Tragedy

With encouragement from station employees and listeners, SPIRIT 105.3/KCMS has decided to repurpose $5,000 of contest prize money to support relief efforts in the wake of the Oklahoma Tornado Tragedy.

KCMS conducts a cash contest called the “SPIRIT Secret Sound” by inviting listeners to call in and guess correctly a mystery sound played on the radio station. Each day without the correct answer, the SPIRIT Secret Sound jackpot increases by $105.  With each passing day without the correct answer, the SPIRIT Secret Sound jackpot has been building up.  At the start of this week, the cash prize in the jackpot was approaching $5,000.  That’s when the powerful tornado hit Moore, Oklahoma.

There’s no question that the tragedy in Oklahoma has a profound effect on each of us, on our whole nation. Our hearts hurt for the moms, dads, and families who have lost loved ones and their possessions. We recognize their lives will never be the same. If the Secret Sound prize money can help bless and heal in some small way, then it is our privilege and obligation to gladly give on behalf of the whole SPIRIT listening family,” says KCMS Program Director, Matt Stockman.

The announcement was made on-air Friday afternoon during the Ana Kelly show on KCMS that the SPIRIT Secret Sound jackpot would be donated on behalf of the SPIRIT listeners.  On behalf of the radio station staff at KCMS, we want to thank our listeners for their generosity in prayers and support for the victims and families in Moore, Oklahoma.

Donations to support the tornado relief efforts can be made through SPIRIT 105.3 online at